Monday, January 02, 2006

The Essential Difference

Simon Baron Cohen writes a solid scientific, well researched book about the differences between the male and female brains. He notes that key differences are their relative abilities to empathize (female) and systemize (male). The average male appears to be worse at empathizing than the average female. In the extreme male brain systemizing leads to Aspergers syndrome or Autism.
Therefore he concludes that the female brain is predominantly hard wired for empathy. The male brain is predominantly hard wired for understanding and systemizing.(building systems).

Empathizing is the drive to identify another persons emotions and thoughts AND to respond to them with an appropriate emotion. This combines the cognitive component (called ‘decentering by Jean piaget) and affective component (appropriate emotional response – not found in rape).
System – is any input/ operation/ output relationship
Empathizing is in part heritable – London scientists have carried out twin studies.
Good systemizing/ low empathy could be linked to success (more offspring) as a good systemizer would have gained respect (weather prediction, herbal medicine, astronomy?)
Lower empathy makes it easier to make tough decisions (in effect they are not tough decisions for them) .
Most people are balanced on a sliding scale. However there are a small percentage who are extreme male/ female.
It made me think of a classic Seinfeld episode where he wants to get together with Elaine and he is looking for a set of ‘rules’ to govern the relationship (friendship and sex) He even calls it a ‘system’ which inevitably breaks down in comedy.

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