Sunday, January 08, 2006

Management theories or fads

Apparently creativity comes from a 3 stage process of preparation, incubation and inspiration. I am in need of some inspiration. I have spent the last year in preparatory reading far and wide (see post below) about the people management area and in particular in relation to improving our assessment, selection and development of individuals and teams on projects. I spent the christmas holidays trying not to ski like 'Paddington Bear' in Chamonix while incubating these ideas. And now in search of inspiration I hope to bring this together with my experiences around the world into a 'unified theory of people management' no less.

Over the next few weeks I intend to analyze the main people management theories against the latest knowledge from the science world and see the outcome. The primary targets are The Belbin work styles, Myers Briggs Type Indicator and DISC personality types as well as Social, Benziger styles , Graphology and others. The first step is to present a single view of each theory and compare/ contrast the results - each tries to divide the world into different groupings based on a survey. I am hoping to find some similarities in both the output and methodology.
The next step will be to evaluate the science in each method as well as evaluate the output types against evolutionary benefit. Perhaps I will find that the theories are indeed correct but for the wrong reasons. We are all endowed with a strong instinct to evaluate another human to discover whether they are a freeloader or not. Presumably the people who are best at this have ended up developing some of these theories. However they would be like a good shaman weatherman predicting our weather prior to the deployment of the geostationary weather satellite. We now have genetics to test and enrich these theories and hopefully provide us with a more modern, reliable and ultimately fairer system of evaluating and discriminating (as we must do when selecting) against our fellow man.
If you have any knowledge or interest in this subject then please leave me a comment.

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